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Seek Adequate Coverage for Valuables Stored in Your Home

Address how you store valuables in your home. Then, perform an assessment of your home insurance coverage. If necessary, make changes to an existing policy.


Prepare a list of your valuables. Include items that were a large investment and ones that hold sentimental value to you.

  • Jewelry
  • Coins
  • Clothing
  • Artwork
  • Heirlooms
  • Additional keepsakes


Refer to the list above when preparing an inventory of your valuables. Consider the value of each possession. Then, assess the location where each item is stored.

If you own a collection of coins, you may currently store them in a container. If so, decide if the current storage arrangement is secure enough to prevent damage or theft. You may ultimately decide to purchase a waterproof box or a safe, which will allow you to store items safely and keep them out of harm’s way.

Additional Security

Artwork and other valuable items displayed in your home may need additional security. Install motion detectors, cameras, or other surveillance equipment in areas where your most prized possessions are located.

Insurance Coverage

When you shop around for home insurance products, refer to your list of valuables. Each item on your list must be added to the new policy you decide to purchase. If you have an existing policy, review it and note any items that you would like to add to it.

More Insurance Information

Contact one of our representatives at L & S Agency Inc. An agent who serves the Buffalo, NY, region will adjust your home insurance policy if you have requested this.

Enjoying Spring in Buffalo? Make Sure You’re Covered!

At L & S Agency Inc., we know the feeling that winter goes on so long in Buffalo, NY, that spring might never come. It does every year without fail, and there are so many ways to celebrate.

Celebrating Spring in Buffalo, Safely!

It’s notably a time to get your home ready for spring activities, including preparing the yard for fun. If you have kids, you know this is when they’ll be bursting with pent-up winter energy and looking forward to play. Ball games, barbecues, parties, and even energetic activities like trampoline or bounce house games are all on the menu, especially if someone has a spring birthday.

The dog gets to play, too, and if your home is where kids hang out together, you’ll have guests frequently into the summertime. Without dampening the fun, we’d like to remind you that great home insurance is meant to cover accidents that happen for your peace of mind while you’re enjoying spring and summer activities.

Coverage Gets Specific for Certain Risks

The home insurance you select covers everyday life in Buffalo, NY in many ways, but some activities and situations need to be communicated for proper coverage. At L & S Agency Inc., we can help you reach out to your insurer and make sure you’re properly covered for dogs, trampolines, swimming pools, and other areas where the chances of a claim might be a bit higher.

It’s a practical matter that we take care of for many of our clients, tailoring policies for their family’s needs. If you’re concerned about higher levels of risk, we also offer umbrella policies that take liability a bit further when needed, just in case. The right insurance is a practical matter. Call us, then relax and enjoy!

Five Reasons You Need to Have a Home Insurance Policy

Our agents at the L & S Agency Inc. serving the Buffalo, NY area know that home insurance is one of the most important insurance policies you can have if you are a homeowner.

 There are many reasons you should have a home insurance policy, and five of those reasons are listed below.

Five Reasons You Need to Have a Home Insurance Policy

Protect Your Property

Home insurance helps protect your home, personal belongings, furniture, appliances, and so much more if they are damaged or destroyed by fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes. It ensures that if the worst happens, you won’t have to take on the full financial burden of rebuilding or repairing your home.

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage will come in handy if someone gets injured on your property since this type of policy can cover their medical expenses and legal fees. This helps you to protect your assets from potential lawsuits.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is important to your overall health and knowing that you have a safety net in case of unforeseen events can reduce stress and anxiety. Whether it’s a sudden burst pipe or a break-in, home insurance provides a sense of security that allows you to focus on enjoying your home without constant worry.

Lender Requirement

If you have a mortgage, your lender will likely require you to have home insurance. This protects their investment in your property, ensuring that it can be repaired or rebuilt in case of damage. Failing to maintain insurance could lead to your lender imposing costly coverage for you that may not even be as good as your own policy.

Financial Protection

In the event of a disaster, the cost of repairs or rebuilding can be astronomical. Home insurance can help ease the financial burden by covering many of these expenses. Without insurance, you may not be able to afford the repairs or the rebuilding of your home.

Reach Out To Us

Our agents at the L & S Agency Inc. serving the Buffalo, NY area are ready to assist you with all of your home insurance needs. Contact them today for an appointment to get your policy started.

When should you review your home insurance policy?

At L & S Agency Inc. in Buffalo, NY, part of our service is reviewing your home policy with you every year. It is an important part of our service to make sure our customers have the insurance coverage that they need. 

When your policy renews

Home insurance policies renew yearly. When your policy comes to you about a month before it is due, the top page is called the declaration page. It is a synopsis of the coverage you have. You can check the amount of property coverage, the type of content coverage you have, any enforcement you have added, and any discounts you are receiving. 

You should check the type of content coverage you have. If you have actual value, it will take depreciation into account, and you will get much less than if you have replacement cost. 

If you have bought or received any expensive items

Your content coverage for jewelry is limited to $2,000. If you have jewelry worth more than that, you need to add an endorsement to your policy and get appraisals of your jewelry. This will protect your property. This also applies to antiques or electronics. 

You’ve added structures to your yard

Have you added the long-awaited deck, the swimming pool of your dream, a gazebo, or a shed? All of these increase the value of your home, and you need to inform your insurance carrier.  

Smart home safety updates

Your insurance company likes nothing better than knowing that you are adding smart safety devices to your home. Have you installed a smart home security system? Put in a Ring doorbell camera?  These can make you eligible for a safe home discount, which can bring your premium down significantly. 

We Can Help!

Contact L & S Agency Inc. in Buffalo, NY for all your home insurance needs. Give us a call today. 

Four signs that it’s time to make some changes to your home insurance coverage

Home insurance needs and details change over time. You shouldn’t think that you’ll never need to make any changes to your home insurance coverage after you’ve bought a policy.

At L & S Agency Inc., we can help you recognize when it’s time to update insurance coverage on your home in Buffalo, NY.

The following are four signs that it’s time to make some changes to your home insurance coverage:

You’ve invested in new home security features.

It’s a good idea to invest in a home security system to protect your family. Insurance savings are another great reason to have security features like surveillance cameras and home alarms installed in your home.

Home insurance providers often offer discounts on premiums to homeowners who have a home security system. 

You’ve gone into retirement.

It’s not uncommon for home insurance providers to offer discounts to retired homeowners. Retiring could also change your finances so that you want to adjust your deductible or coverage amount.

You should review your home insurance policy after retiring and may want to make some changes. 

Your home has recently been remodeled. 

Remodeling your home can increase your home’s value. This can make it so that you need to change the coverage amounts on your home insurance policy. Make sure you discuss your remodeling project with your home insurance provider. 

Your household includes a new canine member.

Dog bite injuries are one of the liabilities that are typically covered by home insurance. However, you have to let your home insurance company know that you have a dog to get coverage for such incidents. 

Give Us A Call

Homeowners in Buffalo, NY can call us at L & S Agency Inc. to get a quote on a policy. Get in touch with us today to buy the insurance coverage you need to protect your household financially.

Things home insurance won’t cover

Home insurance provides the peace of mind most people require when it comes to their homes. It covers many things that can happen to damage your home, but not everything.  At L & S Agency Inc., serving the residents of Buffalo, NY, we understand that as independent insurance agents, we work for our customers.  We will do everything we can to ensure you have the right home insurance coverage. 

Home Insurance Exclusions


Floods cause an immense amount of damage all over the world every year. Only a few inches can cost thousands of dollars in damage to your home. Traditional home insurance does not cover water damage due to a flood. You can, however, purchase a flood insurance policy if you live where there is a danger of flooding. The National Flood Insurance Program offers flood insurance,

Owner neglect

The insurance carrier who holds your insurance expects that you will do the required maintenance to keep your home in good condition. What that means is that if your roof is old you need to replace it before it causes damage inside your home and they won’t pay for damage that results from it. If you get termites, the damage is your fault because you didn’t get your home treated for it. No coverage for wear and tear is included.

Earth movement

Earth movement covers several different potentially damaging events, including earthquakes, landslides, mudslides,  and sinkholes. You can, however, add this coverage to your policy if you have need of it. 


War, warlike or hostile actions are excluded from home insurance policies. Typically, it is assumed that this sort of damage would be so great that the insurance company would go bankrupt if they had to pay for this much damage. 

Get in touch with us

Call L & S Agency Inc, serving the greater Buffalo, NY community, for a no-obligation quote. 

Why would a Buffalo property owner need home insurance?

Buffalo, NY has continued to be a great place to own a home. When you are a property owner here, you will enjoy having a stable place to call home while also benefiting from long-term value appreciation. If you do choose to purchase a home here, it would be wise to get a home insurance plan to go along with it.

There are various reasons why someone would want this coverage:

Cover Your Home and Assets

The primary reason that someone in the Buffalo area will want to have this insurance is so they can cover their home and assets. If you are going to buy a home, you will be making a very significant investment. When you get an insurance policy, you will be able to start protecting this investment. This can be very helpful if the home is damaged due to vandalism, fire, or another covered claim. 

Insurance is Often Required

It would also be a good idea to get this insurance to ensure you meet your requirements. Most property owners will be required to carry home insurance from their mortgage lenders. If you have taken out a mortgage, you may also have to escrow your payments on a monthly basis as it will help avoid a coverage lapse. 

Contact Us Today

There are many great reasons to own a home in the Buffalo, NY area. If you decide that you want to purchase a home here, it is very important that you pick the right insurance for it and the team with L & S Agency Inc. can help. As you start looking for coverage, our team of insurance experts at L & S Agency Inc. will give you the guidance that you need to build a plan that will properly meet your needs and protect your home. 

Do I Have to Purchase Home Insurance?

There are some people who think insurance in New York isn’t necessary, but that’s actually not the case. If you experience loss or damage through fire, smoke, theft, water damage, or an explosion, you’ll probably want to insure your furniture, clothes, and other possessions. L & S Agency Inc in Buffalo, NY is here to help answer your questions on this important insurance coverage.

Home Insurance: Why You Need This Coverage

If you don’t have home insurance, you’ll be responsible for paying for replacements on your own. 

Although home insurance isn’t required by law in the state of New York, it is required by mortgage lenders in order for you to acquire a loan. Mortgage companies also require that your homeowners’ insurance policy covers the full value of your property. Without proof of this coverage, the company will deny your loan application. 

Mortgage companies require home insurance for good reason. Unforeseen events can happen, and home insurance, which covers things like various natural disasters and personal liability, is there to provide you with financial protection in case any of these things happen. 

Home insurance policies can range from the most basic policies to more extensive ones, which include endorsements for further financial protection. 

With your home insurance policy, you can rest assured that your policy will cover your losses resulting from theft, a fire, water damage, smoke, or other unexpected event and that you won’t be placed in a position of financial jeopardy as a result of your losses. 

Contact Us Today

If you’re in the greater Buffalo, NY area and you’re looking for an affordable home insurance policy that will provide you with the financial cushion you need and help you obtain that mortgage loan, look no further than L & S Agency Inc. Call us today and one of our experienced agents will get in touch with you about your various insurance options.

What New Homeowners Need to Know About Insurance

You’ve just bought your first home. This is an exciting moment. You are most likely dealing with a lot of details. Don’t forget that home insurance is one of those important details. At L & S Agency Inc. serving Buffalo, NY and the surrounding areas, we can help you navigate the insurance choices you need to make. Keep reading to learn more. 

What Does Home Insurance Cover?

A home insurance policy is the best way to protect your housing stability. This means, that if your new home is damaged or lost for some reason, you can rest assured knowing you can still provide housing for your family. Without a home insurance policy in place, a family will be responsible to pay for the repair of replacement of their home out of their own pocket. For many families, that would be an impossible financial burden. But home insurance provides a way to pay for those expenses so that you always have peace of mind. 

The types of damage that are covered can include damage from storms, fires, vandalism, or natural disasters. It can also include damage caused by indoor flooding.

You should be aware that indoor flooding is flooding that takes place as a result of plumbing issues or an appliance that has malfunctioned. This is not the same as naturally occurring flooding. Most homeowners will need to get additional flood insurance to cover damage from naturally occurring flooding. 

You can talk with an insurance agent to get more details on flood insurance. 

If you would like to learn more about home insurance, or any of our other insurance services, please contact us at L & S Agency Inc. serving Buffalo, NY, and the surrounding areas. 

Safety tips every homeowner should consider

Your home is your safe place, you should not only feel safe there, but you should also be safe. There are some steps that you can take to make sure your home is as safe as it can be. At L & S Agency Inc. in Buffalo, NY, we are an award-winning agency that makes the needs of our clients our primary concern. We will make sure that you have exactly the insurance that you require. 

Protect against fire

Fire is one of the greatest dangers that homeowners face. Nothing will ever completely take away the danger of fire, because you can’t protect yourself against things like lightning, but you can protect your home from other common causes. If you use your fireplace, you should get your chimney cleaned every year. You should also change the batteries in your smoke detector every six months. If you don’t have a smoke detector, get one. It can save your life. 

Carbon monoxide

Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer. It has no odor and there is no way to know that your furnace (gas or oil) is producing this poisonous gas unless you have a working carbon monoxide detector. Every year, entire families die from it. Don’t be one of them. 

Trip and fall hazard

Trips and falls are a serious danger in the home. Falls are responsible for 22% of all deaths. Keep walkways and stairs clear. Clear snow and ice from sidewalks and driveways and add salt and sand to avoid falls. If you must have rugs, make sure they have non-slip mats. Place a non-slip mat in the tub and shower. If you must climb a ladder, be sure that you have a spotter to keep you from falling. 

Contact L & S Agency Inc. in Buffalo, NY if you have home insurance needs.